Hi Reader!
Have you ever wondered what all goes into taking an idea and transforming it into pages of entertainment? Every writer has a different process, and that process can vary widely depending on any number of factors. Today, I'd like to share a little bit about my first step in any brand new project: free-writing.
Usually, I'll start with a half-formed idea for a character, or a setting, or an interesting sequence of events. I prefer to free-write by hand in one of my notebooks. (I've got a particularly nice leather bound one where I draft most of my flash fiction, and start some of my larger short stories.)
This step is by far the fastest step, even writing in cursive. A flash story like Slave Innovations or Carnival Heat, can usually be done in one sitting (typically between 2-5 hours). When I drafted the novel I'm currently revising, I'd write a scene or two at a time. Since each scene is about the same length as a flash story, it probably took me close to 200 hours (spread over several months) just to get the rough concepts down on paper.
Wouldn't typing be faster? Well, usually, yes. Handwriting is definitely more time consuming than typing, and sometimes my hand cramps up, or just can't keep pace with the movie playing in my head. But there is something about physically inking words on paper that allows ideas to develop richer than when typing; the slower pace makes it easier to capture imagery as I go.
Drafting in a notebook is also very flexible. I can write by the river, or in a coffee shop, or during my lunch break. It's amazing how many words can be collected in 10 minute pockets of time here and there!
This stage is without question the easiest, and fastest part of writing! Next month, I'll share a little about my next step, and I might even have a new book recommendation for you to check out.
Thanks for sharing a little of your day with me!
Until next month, Cheers!
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