Greetings Reader!
Here's what's new since last we spoke:
Since last month I have been focused primarily on revision work for my first novel. My goal is to have it revised and ready to start querying agents by the end of March 2022. (It would be sooner, but the full-time day job has to take priority for now.)
I have done a few smaller projects though. My social media followers may recognize this painting:
I was unconvinced by how this one turned out, so I put it to a vote, and between TikTok, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, it was determined this one would be framed rather than tossed on the fire.
(I apologize for the image quality, my photography skills are abysmally underdeveloped.)
This next painting I haven't shown to anyone else yet, but I was very pleased with how it came out:
Currently, neither have been named, so if you have suggestions, hit reply to let me know! Once they are framed, you will be able to find them available for purchase through my store. As a subscriber, you can use promo code: ArtLover15 to receive 15% off of any single piece of artwork available in my store. (Be sure to use your subscriber email address at checkout.)
I am also putting the finishing touches on a companion story to Techno-Solutions. The new story is about the movement to end the practice of slavery in their world. I hope to have it available for you to check out before my November sale ends on the 30th.
Before I sign off today, I'd like to ask...what do you want to see more of? Please let me know by selecting your preference here:
Thanks for sharing a little of your day with me!
Until next month, Cheers!
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