Shall we begin?

Welcome Reader! Thank you for subscribing to updates on my latest projects! I know how busy life is these days, so I promise not to send news more than once a month without a very good reason, but I hope to make this as valuable to you as you are to me.

Knowing I have folks like you interested in what I’m working on helps keep me focused and productive. Your feedback matters! If you see something you like, or think is a little strange, (well, let’s face it – most of my stuff is a little strange 😉) or even something you just didn’t quite care for, please shoot me a quick note. I’d love to hear from you with questions, comments and constructive criticism. I also manage everything on my website personally, so if you need tech support, send those questions my way too.

What I aim to give you in return are special discounts and early bird access to new releases, sneak peeks at recently finished artworks, and regular progress updates on my larger writing projects!

Now, please allow me to catch you up a little on where my work is at:

I thought I'd start this month's update with a bit of reflection. I had aimed to submit written work for consideration in at least ten publishing opportunities last year...I only submitted six times. However, when it came to my first novel, my goal was to finish the first draft by the end of the year. Not only did I finish that first draft, and start outlining the second and third books in the trilogy, I made significant headway in revising that first manuscript too!

I have more external commitments in 2022 than I did last year, so I'm trying to keep this year's goals realistic. I intend to have my work in progress, Subverting the Devil: Book 1 totally finished and ready to start querying agents by late spring. This is a really ambitious goal, but I want to get this series out to you and the rest of the world, and I want to try and do it traditionally first. If I still haven't found representation by the time I'm done the last book in the trilogy, then I'll look at doing an indie release through Amazon. Until then, I'm sorry to have to be pretty tight-lipped about those stories.

Exciting news though! Next month I'm going to be featured on an episode of Between the Lines with Randy Lacey. If you like hearing about the inner processes writers go through, you should definitely check this podcast out. You can find it on Spotify,, Google Podcasts, iTunes...basically anywhere you get your podcasts. The episode I'm on is scheduled for release on February 9th, when I'll release details about the release of my first short story anthology, so don't miss it!

Thanks for sharing a little of your day with me!

Until next month, Cheers!



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Welcome, seeker of the dark and macabre.

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